Field number | Description | Header |
0 | Game ID | GAME_ID |
1 | Visiting team | AWAY_TEAM_ID |
2 | Inning | INN_CT |
3 | Batting team | BAT_HOME_ID |
4 | Outs | OUTS_CT |
5 | Balls | BALLS_CT |
6 | Strikes | STRIKES_CT |
7 | Pitch sequence | PITCH_SEQ_TX |
8 | Visitor score | AWAY_SCORE_CT |
9 | Home score | HOME_SCORE_CT |
10 | Batter | BAT_ID |
11 | Batter hand | BAT_HAND_CD |
12 | Result batter | RESP_BAT_ID |
13 | Result batter hand | RESP_BAT_HAND_CD |
14 | Pitcher | PIT_ID |
15 | Pitcher hand | PIT_HAND_CD |
16 | Result pitcher | RESP_PIT_ID |
17 | Result pitcher hand | RESP_PIT_HAND_CD |
18 | Catcher | POS2_FLD_ID |
19 | First baseman | POS3_FLD_ID |
20 | Second baseman | POS4_FLD_ID |
21 | Third baseman | POS5_FLD_ID |
22 | Shortstop | POS6_FLD_ID |
23 | Left fielder | POS7_FLD_ID |
24 | Center fielder | POS8_FLD_ID |
25 | Right fielder | POS9_FLD_ID |
26 | Runner on first | BASE1_RUN_ID |
27 | Runner on second | BASE2_RUN_ID |
28 | Runner on third | BASE3_RUN_ID |
29 | Event text | EVENT_TX |
30 | Leadoff flag | LEADOFF_FL |
31 | Pinch-hit flag | PH_FL |
32 | Defensive position | BAT_FLD_CD |
33 | Lineup position | BAT_LINEUP_ID |
34 | Event type | EVENT_CD |
35 | Batter event flag | BAT_EVENT_FL |
36 | Official time at bat flag | AB_FL |
37 | Hit value | H_FL |
38 | Sacrifice hit flag | SH_FL |
39 | Sacrifice fly flag | SF_FL |
40 | Outs on play | EVENT_OUTS_CT |
41 | Double play flag | DP_FL |
42 | Triple play flag | TP_FL |
43 | RBI on play | RBI_CT |
44 | Wild pitch flag | WP_FL |
45 | Passed ball flag | PB_FL |
46 | Fielded by | FLD_CD |
47 | Batted ball type | BATTEDBALL_CD |
48 | Bunt flag | BUNT_FL |
49 | Foul flag | FOUL_FL |
50 | Hit location | BATTEDBALL_LOC_TX |
51 | Number of errors | ERR_CT |
52 | 1st error player | ERR1_FLD_CD |
53 | 1st error type | ERR1_CD |
54 | 2nd error player | ERR2_FLD_CD |
55 | 2nd error type | ERR2_CD |
56 | 3rd error player | ERR3_FLD_CD |
57 | 3rd error type | ERR3_CD |
58 | Batter destination | BAT_DEST_ID |
59 | Runner on first destination | RUN1_DEST_ID |
60 | Runner on second destination | RUN2_DEST_ID |
61 | Runner on third destination | RUN3_DEST_ID |
62 | Play on batter | BAT_PLAY_TX |
63 | Play on runner on first | RUN1_PLAY_TX |
64 | Play on runner on second | RUN2_PLAY_TX |
65 | Play on runner on third | RUN3_PLAY_TX |
66 | Stolen base for runner on first | RUN1_SB_FL |
67 | Stolen base for runner on second | RUN2_SB_FL |
68 | Stolen base for runner on third | RUN3_SB_FL |
69 | Caught stealing for runner on first | RUN1_CS_FL |
70 | Caught stealing for runner on second | RUN2_CS_FL |
71 | Caught stealing for runner on third | RUN3_CS_FL |
72 | Pickoff of runner on first | RUN1_PK_FL |
73 | Pickoff of runner on second | RUN2_PK_FL |
74 | Pickoff of runner on third | RUN3_PK_FL |
75 | Pitcher charged with runner on first | RUN1_RESP_PIT_ID |
76 | Pitcher charged with runner on second | RUN2_RESP_PIT_ID |
77 | Pitcher charged with runner on third | RUN3_RESP_PIT_ID |
78 | New game flag | GAME_NEW_FL |
79 | End game flag | GAME_END_FL |
80 | Pinch-runner on first | PR_RUN1_FL |
81 | Pinch-runner on second | PR_RUN2_FL |
82 | Pinch-runner on third | PR_RUN3_FL |
83 | Runner removed for pinch-runner on first | REMOVED_FOR_PR_RUN1_ID |
84 | Runner removed for pinch-runner on second | REMOVED_FOR_PR_RUN2_ID |
85 | Runner removed for pinch-runner on third | REMOVED_FOR_PR_RUN3_ID |
86 | Batter removed for pinch-hitter | REMOVED_FOR_PH_BAT_ID |
87 | Position of batter removed for pinch-hitter | REMOVED_FOR_PH_BAT_FLD_CD |
88 | Fielder with first putout | PO1_FLD_CD |
89 | Fielder with second putout | PO2_FLD_CD |
90 | Fielder with third putout | PO3_FLD_CD |
91 | Fielder with first assist | ASS1_FLD_CD |
92 | Fielder with second assist | ASS2_FLD_CD |
93 | Fielder with third assist | ASS3_FLD_CD |
94 | Fielder with fourth assist | ASS4_FLD_CD |
95 | Fielder with fifth assist | ASS5_FLD_CD |
96 | Event number | EVENT_ID |
Field number | Description | Header |
0 | home team id | HOME_TEAM_ID |
1 | batting team id | BAT_TEAM_ID |
2 | fielding team id | FLD_TEAM_ID |
3 | half inning (differs from batting team if home team bats first) | BAT_LAST_ID |
4 | start of half inning flag | INN_NEW_FL |
5 | end of half inning flag | INN_END_FL |
6 | score for team on offense | START_BAT_SCORE_CT |
7 | score for team on defense | START_FLD_SCORE_CT |
8 | runs scored in this half inning | INN_RUNS_CT |
9 | number of plate appearances in game for team on offense | GAME_PA_CT |
10 | number of plate appearances in inning for team on offense | INN_PA_CT |
11 | start of plate appearance flag | PA_NEW_FL |
12 | truncated plate appearance flag | PA_TRUNC_FL |
13 | base state at start of play | START_BASES_CD |
14 | base state at end of play | END_BASES_CD |
15 | batter is starter flag | BAT_START_FL |
16 | result batter is starter flag | RESP_BAT_START_FL |
17 | ID of the batter on deck | BAT_ON_DECK_ID |
18 | ID of the batter in the hold | BAT_IN_HOLD_ID |
19 | pitcher is starter flag | PIT_START_FL |
20 | result pitcher is starter flag | RESP_PIT_START_FL |
21 | defensive position of runner on first | RUN1_FLD_CD |
22 | lineup position of runner on first | RUN1_LINEUP_CD |
23 | event number on which runner on first reached base | RUN1_ORIGIN_EVENT_ID |
24 | defensive position of runner on second | RUN2_FLD_CD |
25 | lineup position of runner on second | RUN2_LINEUP_CD |
26 | event number on which runner on second reached base | RUN2_ORIGIN_EVENT_ID |
27 | defensive position of runner on third | RUN3_FLD_CD |
28 | lineup position of runner on third | RUN3_LINEUP_CD |
29 | event number on which runner on third reached base | RUN3_ORIGIN_EVENT_ID |
30 | responsible catcher for runner on first | RUN1_RESP_CAT_ID |
31 | responsible catcher for runner on second | RUN2_RESP_CAT_ID |
32 | responsible catcher for runner on third | RUN3_RESP_CAT_ID |
33 | number of balls in plate appearance | PA_BALL_CT |
34 | number of called balls in plate appearance | PA_CALLED_BALL_CT |
35 | number of intentional balls in plate appearance | PA_INTENT_BALL_CT |
36 | number of pitchouts in plate appearance | PA_PITCHOUT_BALL_CT |
37 | number of pitches hitting batter in plate appearance | PA_HITBATTER_BALL_CT |
38 | number of other balls in plate appearance | PA_OTHER_BALL_CT |
39 | number of strikes in plate appearance | PA_STRIKE_CT |
40 | number of called strikes in plate appearance | PA_CALLED_STRIKE_CT |
41 | number of swinging strikes in plate appearance | PA_SWINGMISS_STRIKE_CT |
42 | number of foul balls in plate appearance | PA_FOUL_STRIKE_CT |
43 | number of balls in play in plate appearance | PA_INPLAY_STRIKE_CT |
44 | number of other strikes in plate appearance | PA_OTHER_STRIKE_CT |
45 | number of runs on play | EVENT_RUNS_CT |
46 | id of player fielding batted ball | FLD_ID |
47 | force play at second flag | BASE2_FORCE_FL |
48 | force play at third flag | BASE3_FORCE_FL |
49 | force play at home flag | BASE4_FORCE_FL |
50 | batter safe on error flag | BAT_SAFE_ERR_FL |
51 | fate of batter (base ultimately advanced to) | BAT_FATE_ID |
52 | fate of runner on first | RUN1_FATE_ID |
53 | fate of runner on second | RUN2_FATE_ID |
54 | fate of runner on third | RUN3_FATE_ID |
55 | runs scored in half inning after this eveng | FATE_RUNS_CT |
56 | fielder with sixth assist | ASS6_FLD_CD |
57 | fielder with seventh assist | ASS7_FLD_CD |
58 | fielder with eighth assist | ASS8_FLD_CD |
59 | fielder with ninth assist | ASS9_FLD_CD |
60 | fielder with tenth assist | ASS10_FLD_CD |
61 | unknown fielding credit flag | UNKNOWN_OUT_EXC_FL |
62 | uncertain play flag | UNCERTAIN_PLAY_EXC_FL |
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